
The Cerebus Neural Signal Processor is a highly-configurable, easy to use, multichannel data acquisition system for animal neurophysiology experiments.



Cerebus at a Glance

Closed-Loop Capabilities

Records Up to 512 Channels

High Sampling Rate

Gemini Hub

The Gemini hub is a compact 256 channel DAQ with onboard processing and the ability to synchronize with the Cerebus Neural Signal Processor and additional Gemini Hubs

High Channel Count

Up to 256 channels per ethernet digital hub and up to 2x ethernet digital hubs into each NSP.

Our data acquisition platform now supports the EthoVision XT behavioral tracking system from Noldus!
EthoVision is a cutting-edge video tracking platform that provides a sophisticated yet easy to use video solution. It can now be seamlessly integrated with our Cerebus and CerePlex Direct systems to meet your experimental needs. To learn more about EthoVision and how it can benefit your research, please contact us.


Dimensions 17" x 12.5" x 3.5"
Weight 16 lbs
Sample Frequency 30 kS/s
Channel Count Channel Options: 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 258, 512
Input Connectors 4x ±5V BNC input digitized with 16 Bits sampled at 30 Ks/s
Digital Input 16 Bit TTL input sampled at 30Ks/s with strobe feature, 1x RS 232 Serial Input

Support & Downloads

Project LB# Rev.
Cerebus System IFU LB-0028 20.00


Project LB# Rev.
Data Loaders


Project LB# Rev.
cbSDK-Examples, CBMEX, Mapping Examples, Sample Data

Common Setups Guide

Take your research to the next level with the Cerebus NSP
Whether it’s setup, customization, general inquiries, or regulatory assistance, our expert team is here to assist you at every step.