
For access to all of our current software versions, please select the "Downloads" section on this page.


Support & Downloads

Project LB# Rev.
cbMEX (NSP Matlab API) IFU LB-0590 3.00
Python Utilities IFU LB-0826 1.11
Blackrock File Formats IFU LB-0023 7.00
Blackrock Offline Spike Sorter (BOSS) Change Log 1.03.00
Cerebus Central Software Suite -Gemini (Ethernet) RS-0048 7.7.0
Cerebus Central Software Suite - Legacy (Fiber Optic) RS-0048 7.6.1


Project LB# Rev.
Gemini (Ethernet) System Firmware Updater RS-0153 7.7.0
Cerebus Firmware - Legacy (Fiber Optic) RS-0115 7.6.0
CerePlex Direct Central Suite RS-0101 7.7.0
CereStim API (Stimmex) RS-0075 5.02.00
CereStim GUI (StimManager) RS-0074 6.01.00
Blackrock Offline Spike Sorter (BOSS) Open Source - Windows Installer RS-0126 1.03.00
brPY (Python Data Loader) 2.0.0
NeuroMotive IFU LB-0336 2.00
Neural Processing Matlab Kit (NPMK)
cbMEX (NSP Matlab API) Examples
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